Angkringan, a forum for discussing research, has reached its sixth episode this June. Held on June 14, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM and moderated by Dea Siti Hafsha, a CICP research intern, this session delved into the topic of social cheating behavior, featuring two exceptional speakers with extensive research experience on cheating. This theme aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goal 16, which focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice, and building effective, accountable institutions.
The fifth Angkringan episode brought a fresh perspective by featuring two outstanding speakers. Luluk Syahrul Kamal, as the first speaker, presented the topic Religiosity: Symbolic Threats Bridging Fanaticism to Prejudice. Equally captivating, Ika Hana Pertiwi shared her research findings on Interreligious Harmony. This theme aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goal 16, which focuses on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions.
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) mengadakan School of Researcher (SOR) bertajuk Method Matters: Building Capacity for Cutting-Edge Research. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih calon asisten peneliti CICP sebelum berkecimpung langsung pada penelitian yang sudah dan yang akan berjalan di CICP. Dalam rangka mendukung tujuan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), khususnya pada poin ke-4 mengenai Pendidikan Berkualitas, program ini berfokus pada peningkatan keterampilan dan kapasitas para peneliti muda agar mampu menghasilkan penelitian yang inovatif dan berkualitas tinggi.
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) – Universitas Gadjah Mada along with the Nossal Institute – University of Melbourne, Difabel Siaga Bencana (Difagana), and Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) collaborate to held the International Research Dissemination: Disability, Preparedness, and Social Relation and “Gethok Tular” Photo Exhibition on May 16, 2024 that is held both offline and online in D-Hall Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada and via Zoom meeting. This international research dissemination consists of the presentation of findings, programme explanation, dissemination of POP-IDEAS (Perspectives of Persons with Disabilities on Inclusivity and Actionability of Disaster Early Warning System) early findings, experience reflection, responder session, and followed by a question and answer session.