CICP’s Research Published in National and International Journals
Year | Article Title | Authors |
2024 | “Psikologi siber: Reaksi warganet Twitter terhadap kasus pencabulan oleh Mas Bechi sebagai cerminan nilai dan sikap | Faiqal Dima Hanif; Gita Dewi Aprillia; Zaki Rizki Ahdani Buchari, Haidar Buldan Thontowi |
2022 | “My Neighbor, My Friend” The Relevance of Support, Closeness, and History of Relations in Neighborhood Friendship | Wenty Marina Minza, F. A. Nurdiyanto, Syurawasti Muhiddin, Yopina Galih Pertiwi |
2022 | Affect and trust in educational migration of young people from provincial towns in Indonesia | Wenty Marina Minza, Safura Intan Herlusia |
2022 | Adaptasi individual dan kolektif: Respons masyarakat Indonesia menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 | Wenty Marina Minza, Faturochman, Syurawasti Muhiddin, Wahyu Jati Anggoro |
2021 | The Paradox of Integrity: Cheating Awareness Among Religious High School Student in Yogyakarta | Samudera Fadlilla Jamaluddin, Galang Lutfiyanto |
2021 | The Sense of Community of Online Taxi Drivers | Ratri Arista, Acintya Ratna Priwati, Putri Yunifa |
2021 | The Quest of finding the self in the bedhaya: unravelling the psychological significance of the javanese sacred dance | Ratri Arista, Acintya Ratna Priwati, Putri Yunifa |
2021 | Multiculturalism as a Mediator of Ethnic Identity and National Identity among Javanese Adolescents | Acintya Ratna Priwati, Adelia Krishna Putri, Valendra Granitha, Shandika Puri, Annisa Ardi Ayuningtya, Wenty Marina Minza, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti |
2020 | Kenal Saja Tidak Cukup: Eksplorasi Motif dan Bentuk Pertemanan Urban | Ega Prawita, Arka Nareswari, Maria Theresa, Asti Wulandari, F. Nurdiyanto |
2020 | How do Relational and Personal Attributes Affect Trust in Adolescent Friendship: An Exploratory Model | Ainin Rahmanawati, Flaviana Rinta Fedian, Tria Widyastuti, Faturochman, Wenty Marina Minza |
2020 | Trust and Trustworthiness of Friendship Relation In Yogyakarta and Makassar | Faturochman, Wenty Maina Minza, Muhammad Reza Firmansyah |
2020 | Indonesian Implicit Leadership Theory: Typical and Positive Leadership Prototypes for Indonesian Millenials | Rizqi Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, Muhammad Fashih Hibatul Haqqi, Nisfi Balqish Rusli, Nabila Puteri |
2020 | Proses Adaptasi Kaum Muda yang Bermigrasi ke Kota Yogyakarta dan Bandung | Atika Dwi Aryand, Oki Mardiawan, F. A. Nurdiyanto |
2020 | Social influences on cheating in collectivistic culture: Collaboration but not competition | Samudera Jamaluddin, Satrio Priyo Adi, Galang Lutfiyanto |
2020 | Rethinking intergroup contact across cultures: Predicting outgroup evaluations using different types of contact, group status, and perceived sociopolitical contexts | Yopina G. Pertiwi, Andrew L. Geers, Yueh-Ting Lee |
2020 | Memahami Fungsi Gosip Dalam Masyarakat Melalui Film Pendek “Tilik” | Fakhirah Inayaturrobbani |
2019 | Corruption in Indonesia: An Investigation From Mental Health, Spirituality, And Leadership Perspectives | Sohra Sahama, Adinda Shofia, Muhammad Reiza, Bagus Riyono |
2019 | Benevolence, Competency, and Integrity: Which is More Influential on Trust in Friendships? | Muhammad Reza Firmansyah, Riski Amelia, Rizky Amalia Jamil, Faturochman, Wenty Marina Minza |
2014 | Causes of anger among senior high school students in Indonesia: An indigenous psychology approach | Haidar Buldan Thontowi, Rr. Cahya Wulandari, Mohammad Abdul Hakim, Moordiningsih, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, Uichol Kim |
2012 | The basis of children’s trust towards their parents in Java, ngemong: Indigenous psychological analysis | Mochammad Abdul Hakim, Haidar Buldan Thontowi, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, & Uichol Kim |
2012 | What make teenagers happy? An exploratory study using indigenous psychology approach | Ardi Primasari & Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti |
2012 | The role of trust in shaping mother-and-child relationship: Indigenous psychological analysis | Tri Hayuning Tyas, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, Uichol Kim
Ardi Primasari & Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti |
2012 | Factors influencing trust of teachers among students | Sri Kurnianingsih, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, & Uichol Kim |
2011 | Sadness as perceived by Indonesian male and female adolescents | Adelia Khrisna Putri, Johana Endang Prawitasari, Moh. Abdul Hakim, Kwartarini W Yuniarti, & Uichol Kim. |