After the first experience hosting The First International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology on April 24-27, 2009 nine years prior, and ten years after the establishment of the Center of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology (CICP), the worlds pioneer in the field of indigenous and cultural psychology, the Faculty of Psychology returned as the host of an international conference of indigenous and cultural psychology called The 10th International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology on July 4-6, 2019. The conference, known as ICICP, was themed Mental Health, Social Harmony, and National Competitiveness and invited speakers from various countries and specialties in the field of psychology. They were Prof. Subandi from Universitas Gadjah Madas Faculty of Psychology; Prof. Uichol Kim from Inha University, South Korea; Prof. Rosnah Ismail from Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences & UMS, Malaysia; Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio from the University of Florence, Italy; Prof. Donald H. Saklofske from the University of Western Ontarios Department of Psychology, Canada; Prof. Saadi Lahlou from London School of Economics and Political Science, England; Dr. Satoko Kimpara from Palo Alto University, United States of America; Maxi Heitmayer, Ph.D from London School of Economics and Political Science; Prof. Akira Tsuda from Kurume Universitys Department of Psychology, Japan; and Plinio Fabiani, Director of Versilia Hospitas Internal Medicine Unit.
The agenda for the first date of the 2019 ICICP were the special course and the workshop. The special course was opened by Uichol Kim after his public lecture, Introduction to Indigenous & Cultural Psychology. Afterward, the program continued with a presentation from Saadi Lahlou regarding his research about the installation theory. The special course ended with Maxi Heitmayers research presentation, which was about the use of Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography (SEBE) in the real-world context. At the same time, there were 3 workshops held in another place within the faculty with 3 speakers. The workshops were Psychology of Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century, led by Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio, Ph.D.; Clinical Workshops of Systematic Treatment Selection (STS): 8 Principles and Therapeutic Tools, led by Satoko Kimpara, Ph.D; and Assessing Psychological Strengths and Well Being: Cross-Cultural Adaptation, led by Prof. Donald Saklofske.
The second day started with Indonesian arts and culture performances in the opening ceremony of the 2019 ICICP. An unforgettable performance was given by the performers, and the speakers, given the opportunity to wear traditional Indonesian clothing, also experienced something unforgettable and unique. The ceremony continued with remarks from the Head of the Committee, Wahyu Jati Anggoro, S.Psi., M.A. and the Chairman of the Executive Board, Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, MMedSc., Ph.D., who in this opportunity also spoke in place of the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. The events continued with the keynote address from speakers and presentations of the conference participants in the form of parallel symposiums.
On the third day, public lectures through the speaker’s keynote address and parallel symposiums still went on. The series of events in the 2019 ICICP ended with a closing ceremony held in the outdoor area of Universitas Gadjah Madas Faculty of Psychology. The closing ceremony began with a declaration from Asosiasi Psikologi Indigenous dan Kultural (APIK), witnessed by representatives from Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI). Afterward, the event continued with art performances, ending with the performance of Reog Ponorogo, a traditional Indonesian dance. The art performances were enjoyed by speakers, participants, and the committee of the 2019 ICICP, who danced together to traditional Indonesian music. (CICP/Ratri Arista)