The 4.0 industrial revolution is the background that inspired CICP to hold this event. It cant be denied that the 4.0 industrial revolution has started to change the fabric of peoples lives, and technological advancements are no exceptions. Big data is one of the tangible manifestations of technology. Big data is a new technology in the world of information technology that enables fast processing, storing, and analysis of large amounts of data. The opportunities opened by big data can be utilized to sustain the development of scientific knowledge in this era.
The Center of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) sees this opportunity as additional support in obtaining and managing research data. As a research-based unit, CICP wants to equip psychology students, especially CICPs research interns with knowledge and understanding of big data to enhance research. Therefore, on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, an event called Big Data Workshop was held. The event started from afternoon to evening and was led by Yohanes Kartika Herdiyanto, S.Psi., M.A, a lecturer in psychology from Universitas Udayana who happens to be a doctoral student in UGM Psychology as well. Mas Hendy, as to how he is usually addressed in CICP, is also doing a research internship in CICP. The research is titled Social Media & Mental Health of Youth Migration. This training was held in the Faculty of Psychologys G-100 Auditorium and was attended by 41 undergraduate and graduate students. The students were interns and non-interns.
Qualitative research is frequently applied in CICPs research. Mas Hendy stated that ever since technology became an inseparable part of human’s works, there are a lot of technological utilities can be used. This can be understood as a new qualitative approach. A lot of mediums be used to gather data to become big data. Mas Hendy gave examples such as CCTV, biometric attendance systems, and wearable gadget data (watches, heart rhythm, bedtime, steps, distance). Not only that, technological advancements make it possible to utilize services such as Survey Monkey and Google Forms as mediums for data collection. Mas Hendy also said that social media such as Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook can provide big data.
After explaining theories and the phenomenons happening currently, Mas Hendy also talked about the software that can be used to help ease data collection and processing, such as Nvivo, RQDA, Atlas. ti, MAXQA, etc. On this occasion, Mas Hendy guided each participant through the software MAXQDA. All participants have prepared the software before the session. MAXQDA is one of the programs for data storage with a coding and categorization process. Through this software, qualitative data analysis can be done. Participants were taught step-by-step, starting with data collection from Twitter and Youtube. After they have finished collecting the data, participants were asked to observe the management of the data.
Workshop participants were impressed by how fast and easy it is for data to be collected. CICP successfully held this workshop to equip participants with management and analysis of data. This event can hopefully be a pioneer in supporting on-going research
(CICP PR/Mutia Avezahra)