In a world where emergencies and disasters are all too common, ensuring the safety and inclusion of every member of society becomes paramount. Recognizing this, the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bangkok Bureau commissioned a study aimed at understanding the extent of inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in its emergency preparedness and response programming in Indonesia and the Philippines as a basis to develop a practice guide for WFP offices globally. This study, co-led by esteemed researcher Dr. Alex Robinson from Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne, and Dr. Pradytia Pratiwi from the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP), Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada, marks a significant step towards creating more inclusive and disaster-resilient communities.
Upcoming Activity
This event will offer a space for stakeholders, including educators and policymakers, across Indonesia to discuss the future psychology undergraduate education, and also provide collaborative research and publication. Delegates will be invited to discuss the following questions: