Kamis dan Jumat (17-18/10) lalu, CICP baru saja menyelenggarakan acara CICP Publication Workshop yang diisi oleh Luca Tateo, Ph.D (Luca) dan Giuseppina Marsico, Ph.D (Pina) dari Centre for Cultural Psychology Aalborg University, Denmark. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk mewadahi proses pengembangan manuskrip penelitian yang berhubungan dengan topik psikologi dan budaya terutama budaya kontemporer sebagai gaya hidup (ways of thinking/being/doing). Target dari pengembangan manuskrip ini adalah manuskrip menjadi lebih matang dan layak untuk dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional terutama jurnal Culture & Psychology dan jurnal Human Arenas.
The Indonesian Psychological Consortium (Konsorsium Psikologi Indonesia/KPI) recently held a workshop titled Visual Techniques in Psychological Anthropology and a screening of the film TAJEN: INTERACTIVE last Friday (9/6) in Universitas Gadjah Madas Faculty of Psychology. Both events brought in Robert Lemelson, Ph.D., who is a psychological and visual anthropologist based in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and also an ethnography film director. Lemelson has been delving into the world of Visual Psychological Anthropology (VPA) for approximately 20 years and has won many awards for his films about psychology and culture in Indonesia. In the film screening and in the workshop, Lemelson talked about the concept of VPA and its application in research and movies about cultures present in Indonesia.
After the first experience hosting The First International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology on April 24-27, 2009 nine years prior, and ten years after the establishment of the Center of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology (CICP), the worlds pioneer in the field of indigenous and cultural psychology, the Faculty of Psychology returned as the host of an international conference of indigenous and cultural psychology called The 10th International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology on July 4-6, 2019. The conference, known as ICICP, was themed Mental Health, Social Harmony, and National Competitiveness and invited speakers from various countries and specialties in the field of psychology. They were Prof. Subandi from Universitas Gadjah Madas Faculty of Psychology; Prof. Uichol Kim from Inha University, South Korea; Prof. Rosnah Ismail from Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences & UMS, Malaysia; Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio from the University of Florence, Italy; Prof. Donald H. Saklofske from the University of Western Ontarios Department of Psychology, Canada; Prof. Saadi Lahlou from London School of Economics and Political Science, England; Dr. Satoko Kimpara from Palo Alto University, United States of America; Maxi Heitmayer, Ph.D from London School of Economics and Political Science; Prof. Akira Tsuda from Kurume Universitys Department of Psychology, Japan; and Plinio Fabiani, Director of Versilia Hospitas Internal Medicine Unit.
The 4.0 industrial revolution is the background that inspired CICP to hold this event. It cant be denied that the 4.0 industrial revolution has started to change the fabric of peoples lives, and technological advancements are no exceptions. Big data is one of the tangible manifestations of technology. Big data is a new technology in the world of information technology that enables fast processing, storing, and analysis of large amounts of data. The opportunities opened by big data can be utilized to sustain the development of scientific knowledge in this era.