ABSTRACT.Yogyakarta dan Bandung merupakan kota favorit untuk menempuh pendidikan. Ketika bermigrasi, kaum muda akan menghadapi proses adaptasi dengan lingkungan baru. Kegagalan saat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru akan memicu masalah psikologis seperti stres, cemas, dan gegar budaya (culture shock). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman kaum muda dalam beradaptasi selama bermigrasi ke kota Yogyakarta dan Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan 200 mahasiswa di Yogyakarta dan Bandung. Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT) dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis data tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, ketika kaum muda bermigrasi dan melakukan proses adaptasi, mereka cenderung mencari informasi, berinteraksi, dan menyesuaikan diri. Terdapat juga faktor predisposisi yang memengaruhi proses adaptasi kaum muda selama bermigrasi, yaitu faktor
penghambat dan faktor pendukung selama beradaptasi. Penelitian ini memberikan sumbangsih terhadap perkembangan ilmu psikologi mengenai proses adaptasi dan faktor predisposisi pada kaum muda yang bermigrasi ke kota Yogyakarta dan Bandung. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada kaum muda yang memiliki pengalaman pertama melakukan migrasi ke kota besar.
Journal Articles
ABSTRACT. Previous research conducted by the same authors found that personal attributes (benevolence, integrity, competence) and the relational attributes (closeness, support, and reciprocity) influence trust and trustworthiness. This paper aimed to test the proposed trust model on a new dataset while also testing for gender and regional differences. This research involved a collaboration between Universitas Gadjah Mada as a representative from Yogyakarta and Universitas Negeri Makassar as a representative from Makassar. There were 420 students that participated in this study; 157 (37.4%) men and 263 (62.6%) women. Regression analyses indicated that 42% of trust was formed by personal and relational attributes. Contrary to expectations, there were no differences in trust (p> 0.05) between females and males. However, there was a significant difference in trustworthiness (p0.05). This study provides an understanding on the importance of trust and trustworthiness in efforts to maintain pluralism, as a form of citizenship identity.
ABSTRACT. Two studies were conducted to examine the relationship between three different types of intergroup contact (i.e., direct contact, extended contact, and online contact) and outgroup evaluation, and the moderating effect of group status and sociopolitical contexts across two cultural contexts. A total of 75 European Americans (majority) and 44 Chinese Americans (minority) participated in Study 1; whereas 61 Javanese (majority) and 72 Chinese Indonesians (minority) participated in Study 2. In both studies, participants completed an outgroup feeling thermometer as well as a set of questionnaires measuring intergroup contact, perceived outgroup political power, perceived outgroup economic power, perceived government support, and perceived quality of the current intergroup relations. Results from the two studies revealed that although contact was beneficial in both cultural contexts, there were notable moderators of the links between contact and outgroup evaluations. Specifically, the value of direct contact was greater for the minority group members in the United States, extended contact only mattered in a specific condition when the perceived government support was taken into account in the United States, and online contact was beneficial across group status in the Indonesian context. Overall, the findings provide evidence of the need to take into account the role of specific sociopolitical relations between the two groups in intergroup relations research.