The 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada in Collaboration with Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) and Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI)
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Publication Date
21-24 August 2013
Cultural diversity remains a challenge for every aspect of human life and science. Social psychology is one of the areas dealing with cultural diversity, attempting to fill the gap between the diversity with equality. Indigenous, social and cultural psychology are the areas of psychology that attempt to provide an understanding of cultural diversity around the world. Realizing the importance of this issue, the 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology chose the theme of “Enhancing Quality of Life through Community Integrity and Cultural Diversity”, with the goal of promoting indigenous, social and cultural perspectives.
Memahami dan Mengembangkan Indigenous Psychology
Fathurochman, Wenty Marina Minza, Tabah Aris Nurjaman
Pustaka Pelajar atas kerja sama dengan Fakultas Psikologi UGM
Publication Date
November 2017
The desire to develop psychology which appropriate with the conditions and contexts of Indonesia has been felt by many psychologists in this country. But at the same time, there are so many questions, how to develop it? This book describes indigenous psychology as well as its development in Indonesia, ways of doing research and its examples.
Book of Abstracts The First International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural
Tim Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology UGM
Percetakan Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Publication Date
July 2010
Wilhelm Wundt menyatakan bahwa psikologi budaya merupakan salah satu cabang terpenting dari ilmu psikologi. Menyadari pentingnya hal tersebut, The First International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology memiliki tujuan, yaitu untuk memahami manusia dalam konteks perbedaan budaya, pola pikir, emosi, serta tingkah lakunya. Guna mengetahui peran dari agensi, intensi, dan tujuan dalam menjelaskan penyebab perilaku, mengintegrasikan antara senin dan kemanusiaan dengan ilmu sosial, serta berkonribusi dalam pembangunan pengetahuan psikologis. Buku ini berisi kumpulan abstrak dari The First International Conference of Indigenous & Cultural Psychology.
Psikologi untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Faturochman, Yuli Fajar Susetyo, Amitya Kumara, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, Nurul Ayu Istiqamah, Ammik Kisriyani, Acin Fadilla Helmi, Yopina Galih Pertiwi, Wenti Marina Minza, Tina Afiatin, Yopina Galih Pertiwi, Fuad Hamsyah, Tri Hayuning Tyas, Arum Febriani, Ariana Marastuti, Galang Lutfiyanto, Fatdina, Indrayanti, Nelia Ramadhani
Pustaka Pelajar
Publication Date
January 2012
Psychology is a science that is developing quite quickly. This development is not only internal but also utilized by various parties. In Indonesia, the use of psychology is getting bigger day by day.
This book identifies several uses of psychology that have been developing in society so that people can better understand psychology as a scientific discipline and its potential uses.
All authors in this book are educators at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University. Their struggles in education, research and community service are challenged by society’s demands to play a more concrete role.
Human Relatedness: Tinjauan Psikologi Keterhubungan Manusia dan Sekitarnya
Wenty Marina Minza, Yohanes K. Herdiyanto, Annisa Reginasari, Fakhirah Inayaturrobbani
Anistya Wulandari Pratomo, Faturochman, Pinem, Inneke Sachiro Hening, Sangrilla, Isti Fadatul Khoriah, Muchlisah, Ni Putu Melinda Prabhamita Sari, Putri Yunifa, Siti Maimunah, Sofia Retnowati, Syurawasti Muhiddin, Yasminnuha Jauharini
Pustaka Pelajar
Publication Date
December 2020
Why Relatedness? This book begins with a fundamental question regarding one of the basic human needs, namely the need to have social relations. The question is: Why are social relationships important for humans? What psychological concept can explain why humans always want to build, develop and maintain their social relationships?
In this book, we place human relations with the natural surroundings as part of the process of human social relations. Human relatedness theory also places the concept of connectedness in a central position, so that the dynamics of connectedness are also more visible. The final advantage of this theory is that in its application, the Human Relatedness Theory is deemed more appropriate to explain individual behavior in Indonesia, which also places connectedness and interdependence as important aspects of life.